Instructions for selecting a protected space
A missile landing can result in an explosion that damages buildings and infrastructure and causes civilian casualties. Missiles that contain chemical substances may disperse poisonous substances that can result in casualties. You may significantly reduce the degree of damage by choosing the best protected space for you and your family. Such a space offers physical protection and shields a building's occupants from the missile blast and shrapnel; additionally, it shields occupants from poisoned air outside. It has been proven that individuals who occupy a protected space suffer less injury than others who are outside of the building. We recommend preparing and designating the most protected space for you—today.
Existing protection options
Apartmental protected space ('MAMAD')
Protected spaces are typically found in buildings that have been built starting from the 1980s and 1990s. An apartmental protected space is enveloped by cement walls that are optimally resistant against the dangers of a nearby blast. The space also contains windows and doors that seal the room.
Protected space for a single building floor + institutional protected space
A portion of the buildings and institutions built starting in the 1980s and 1990s are equipped with shared protected spaces. Protected spaces for a building floor + institutional protected spaces are very similar to an apartmental protected space; the difference is that they are intended for a number of families (living on a particular floor) or occupants of an institutional building. Properly maintaining these protected spaces under routine conditions is highly important. All types of protected spaces must be vacant and ready for use at all times.
Shelter in a shared building
A shelter is a protected space built above or below ground level and intended for the population of an entire building or of a specific residential area. The shelter is encased in durable concrete to protect against nearby blasts. The shelter contains windows and doors that seal the protected space, on condition they are well maintained. Some shelters in shared buildings belong to and are at the disposal of all tenants. Responsibility for maintaining and attending to the shelters rests on the tenants of the entire building.
Public shelter
In addition there are public shelters meant to serve the population that happens to be in the vicinity (only on condition that the shelter can be entered within the specific allotted time for that area upon the sounding of an alert). Responsibility for maintenance, treatment and opening public shelters rests with the local authority.
Internal protected space
Meant for persons who do not have an apartmental/building floor protected space, or a shelter that cannot be entered within one minute from the sounding of an alert. This will be most internal and available space of a building that can be reached after the sounding of an alert within the specific allotted time. The space must have a minimum of external walls and a minimum of windows and openings.
How to choose an internal protected space?
In buildings equipped with an apartmental/building floor protected space or a shelter in which it is possible to enter within the specific allotted time upon the sounding of an alert—opt for that protected space for you and your family. The majority of the population still does not have a normative protection solution such as an apartmental/building floor protected space or a shelter. Through a series of simple steps, a person who lacks a protected space in his/her home can choose an internal protected space in which one's life can be saved during an attack.
Choose the apartment's / home's most internal space that can be reached within the specific emergency time for your area. The space should have a minimum of external walls, windows and doors. Baths and kitchens are not recommended since tiles and ceramics are liable to shatter as a result of a blast.